{{tag>crude_properties crude_assay}} ====== Density ====== * most important physical characteristic of a crude oil [(:ref:oil101)] * indication of the hydrocarbon molecules the crude oil contains [(:ref:oil101)] * products the crude oil will yield when refined [(:ref:oil101)] * varies with temperature and pressure [(:ref:oil101)] * Tendenziell nimmt die Dichte des Öls mit zunehmender Tiefe ab (»Tiefenregel«).[(:ref:die_welt_der_rohstoffe)] ===== API density classifications ===== ^ Crude oil density classification ^ API gravity ^ | Condensate/Extra-light | >50° | | Light | 40-50° | | Intermediate/Medium | 30-39° | | Medium-heavy | 25-29° | | Heavy | < 25° | | Extra-heavy | < 10° | Intermediate density crudes are most commonly produced 30° - 39° API; highest demand; most refineries[(:ref:oil101)]