{{tag>shipping_and_logistics sts}} ====== Laconian Gulf ====== The southern Peloponnese in Greece is now a key location for ship-to-ship transfers.((https://archive.ph/gXBW3#selection-595.0-595.84)) ((2024)) It was unclear why the shift in southern Greece happened. Ships can move as a result of bad weather. However, the Laconian Gulf has hills all around it, offering some protection from the wind and calm waters. That has made it a useful spot for transferring cargoes and helps to reduce environmental risks.((https://archive.ph/PmmWy#selection-1663.0-1666.0)) Tankers entering the Laconian Gulf approach an area rich in biodiversity, parts of which are protected Natura 2000 sites. When the Trafigura-operated Dale entered the bay, on its right was the idyllic beach of Elafonisos; on its left the beaches of Mavrovouni and Vathy, home to the protected sea turtles.((https://archive.ph/gXBW3#selection-809.0-809.305)) Greek MEP Petros Kokkalis told the European Commission in October 2022 that “the Laconian Gulf, with its extremely abundant fish stocks, is a Natura 2000 protected area and host to nine habitat types and 13 priority species” – including the endangered Caretta-Caretta turtles, “whose principal nesting areas are located on the adjoining beaches”.((https://archive.ph/gXBW3#selection-819.0-829.292)) More than 20 crude oil or LNG tankers were spotted by satellite tracking last Monday 15 August in the center of the Laconian Gulf, between Elafonisos and Taynaros, at least 6 nautical miles from the coast. Some of them were moored together and a few more were at anchor west of Kythera, waiting for space to open.((https://archive.ph/aQjbi#selection-775.0-775.314)) ===== Turtles ===== The Laconian Gulf is home to endangered Caretta-Caretta sea turtles.