{{tag>trading_and_analysis weather}} ====== Weather ====== This year’s U.S. weather system started gently for the wheat crop, with blankets of snow protecting seedlings, says Joseph D’Aleo, co-chief meteorologist at forecasting company WeatherBell. “Snow and cold temperature kept the wheat in a state where it is dormant and not vulnerable,” he says.((https://www.barrons.com/articles/wheat-prices-jump-etf-russia-ukraine-44877ccf?st=9S22hD)) ((2025)) Even weak tropical storms have been known to knock out as much as 30% of offshore production for days at a time.((https://archive.ph/grj7J#selection-2767.2-2767.114)) The storms can also threaten major agricultural crops in the southern US, including citrus groves in Florida and cotton fields in Texas, the top producing US state((https://archive.ph/grj7J#selection-2767.115-2773.44)) ===== Northwest Europe ===== Daily temperatures at Frankfurt airport, a proxy for the major population centres of Northwest Europe, have averaged more than 0.4 degrees Celsius below the long-term seasonal average since the start of October. ===== United States ===== Daily temperatures at St Louis, a proxy for the Midwest and close to the population centre of the United States, have been running more than +1.6°C higher than the long-term average since the start of October: