====== Wind ====== In addition, there is a risk of a Quasi-Biennial Oscillation. These are strong stratospheric winds that switch their direction, resulting in a weakening or strengthening wind speed in the jet stream. Plus, the system increases the risk of harsh winter conditions in Northern Europe, according to the British Met Office.((https://www.barrons.com/articles/wheat-prices-jump-etf-russia-ukraine-44877ccf?st=9S22hD)) ((2025)) This combination magnifies the probable agricultural nightmare. “When you have these two high-order issues (ENSo & QBO), it will probably set off a hard freeze,” Hackett says. In turn, that would likely worsen an already tight global wheat market.((https://www.barrons.com/articles/wheat-prices-jump-etf-russia-ukraine-44877ccf?st=9S22hD)) ((2025))