das Schmiermittel der Weltwirtschaft
Key indicators for Middle Eastern medium-sour crude, such as Oman and Dubai contracts, are rallying too.1)
Every country produces different crude grades, this is why global oil flows are so important. (from newspaper article)
When it comes out of the ground, oil is knovvn as crude oil and is a mixture of petrochemical and other components, such as sulphur, sand and some waten that need to be removed or reduced beíore the refining process. 3)
Crude oil price changes can cause wide swings in refining margins because they’re the main feedstock of refineries. Petroleum product prices are sticky—it can take weeks for changes in oil prices to work their way into petroleum product prices. 4)
Diesel, jet and marine fuel are more easily made from the heavy crudes hailing from Russia and the Middle East than from lighter varieties such as U.S. shale oil, which is bet- ter suited to making gasoline.
C2H4 is more reactive than C2H6 because the latter is an alkene.it is unsaturated compound and its pi bond are easily available for the reaction.
Name and File | Description | Country | API ° | Sulfur % wt. | Locations | Similar |
Mars | Medium density, high sulphur crude oil | US | 29.7 | xxx | xxx | |
Buzzard | medium sour | North Sea | 32.6 | 1.44 | Urals | |
Castilla | desc | Colombia | API | xxx | xxx | |
Forcardos | desc | Nigeria | 31.5 | xxx | xxx | |
Forties Blend | 41.0 | 0.65 | ||||
Urals | medium sour | Russia | 30.68° | 1.48%. | EE, CE, Med | Buzzard |
Arco | xxx | Russia | xxx° | xxx%. | xxx | xxx |
Varandey | xxx | Russia | xxx° | xxx%. | xxx | xxx |
Novy Port | xxx | Russia | xxx° | xxx%. | xxx | xxx |
Sokol | xxx | Russia | xxx° | xxx%. | xxx | xxx |
Kurdistan Blend | xxx | Kurdistan | xxx° | xxx%. | xxx | xxx |