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  • most important physical characteristic of a crude oil 1)
  • indication of the hydrocarbon molecules the crude oil contains 2)
  • products the crude oil will yield when refined 3)
  • varies with temperature and pressure 4)
  • Tendenziell nimmt die Dichte des Öls mit zunehmender Tiefe ab (»Tiefenregel«).5)

API density classifications

Crude oil density classification API gravity
Condensate/Extra-light >50°
Light 40-50°
Intermediate/Medium 30-39°
Medium-heavy 25-29°
Heavy < 25°
Extra-heavy < 10°

Intermediate density crudes are most commonly produced

30° - 39° API; highest demand; most refineries6)

0_public/commodities_and_products/density.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/01 12:24 by pointnm