Dangote is bigger than any other refinery in Europe or Africa and has been touted as a way for Nigeria — long reliant on imports of gasoline — to become less dependent on foreign supplies.1)
Years of insecurity and recent flooding in the country’s north central region, which is the nation’s main food producing areas, have reduced farming activities, leading to a sharp rise in prices.
Nigeria, Africa's largest oil producer, imports almost all its refined fuel due to inadequate refining capacity and neglect of existing refineries.
Nigeria, West Africa's largest economy, notoriously loses as much as 400,000 b/d of crude to oil theft, with some volumes smuggled out of the country, according to analysts.2)
Carved from forested hills by excavators and explosives, Nigeria’s only industrial gold mine yielded 98,000 ounces of the precious metal last year — a key step in the efforts of Africa’s biggest crude producer to pivot away from oil.