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So gehört beispielsweise Brasilien zu den Ländern, in denen sich die Bodenqualität verschlechtert. Die Landwirtschaft spielt in Brasilien eine bedeutende Rolle. So sind mehr als 42 Prozent der exportierten Güter landwirtschaftliche Güter. Der Düngerbedarf ist entsprechend hoch.

What's next? The global LNG market has begun balancing out now that a recent Egyptian tender for 20 cargoes has been awarded and amid high European gas inventories. Additionally, Brazil has gas supply from neighboring countries such as Bolivia which should help to supplement demand needs. However, traders are expecting Brazil to procure more LNG volumes this winter as they potentially battle hotter temperatures and lower hydro levels.1)

“Our first challenge is growing the sector to meet expanding global demand through higher yields and more efficiency without damaging the environment. People often paint Brazil in a bad light in agriculture because of deforestation in the Cerrado and Amazon, but nobody mentions that Brazil's energy matrix is 90 per cent renewable.2)

“Infrastructure is our second challenge. Agricultural production has been increasing so quickly that it is hard for the country's logistical infrastructure to keep up. Brazilian interest rates are among the highest in the world, making it complicated to get a return on infrastructure investment, whether rails, roads or ports.3)

“Logistics struggle to keep pace,” he replied. “However, things are improving fast, allowing expanded grain production in the frontier lands in the north. Previously, if you wanted to bring grains from North Mato Grosso to Santos, you would have to ship them 3,000 kilometres over poor roads. The new ports and roads in the north have cut these distances to 500 kilometres. The northern ports have also reduced ocean freight transport distances to Europe and the Panama Canal.”

He argued that P e t r o b r a s should be allowed to prospect for oil in Brazil’s Equatorial Margin, which includes the mouth of the Amazon River. The Equatorial Margin could contain 30 billion barrels of crude and oil equivalent, matching about 70% of total U.S. reserves, the Brazilian government estimates

Yes, especially in the central part of Brazil. Large farms in Mato Grosso produce around 30-35 per cent of Brazil’s soybeans. The trading houses buy about half of the crop directly from the farms.

World’s Top Coffee, Soy and Sugar Supplier Wants to Rule Cocoa, Too.4)

“Brazil is already the world’s largest supplier” of a large swath of commodities, from soybeans to orange juice, Schmidt said as a group of more than 1,000 landowners, academics and local authorities toured his land last month to see the seedlings themselves. “Where are we going to stand on cocoa?”5)

Die Autoren verweisen auf die großen brasilianischen Rohstoffreserven. Das Land verfügt demnach über etwa ein Viertel der weltweiten Graphitreserven und knapp 15 % der weltweiten Nickel- und Manganreserven.6)

26,42 % der weltweiten Graphitreserven lagern jedoch in Brasilien.7)


Growers across the western part of Bahia state — a hot, dry region known for its influential farming families who’ve built fortunes exporting cotton and soy — are now cultivating cocoa for the first time.8)

If production in the new region takes off, Brazil could nearly double its output to about 400,000 metric tons by 2030, estimates the country’s cocoa commission.9)

Brazil was once among the world’s top producers of the key chocolate-making ingredient, before many of the country’s cocoa trees fell ill due to an outbreak of witches’ broom starting in the late 1980s. Ivory Coast and Ghana today account for more than half of global output.10)

Growers in Bahia are generally better financed and larger than their West African counterparts, meaning they can achieve economies of scale. Brazilian farmers can also sell at market prices without interference from the government like in Ivory Coast and Ghana. And since the beans aren’t perishable, sellers can wait for the right time to do a deal.11)

With year-round sun, widespread irrigation and access to fertilizers, the cocoa harvest here can be accelerated, with some trees bearing fruit in three years instead of the more traditional five.12)

0_public/geography_and_regions/brazil.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/31 21:31 by pointnm