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Supsa Terminal

  • Located on the Black Sea Coast of Georgia1)
  • storage capacity for crude oil transported via the Western Route Export Pipeline (WREP)2)
  • Crude Oil Storage Tanks, each of approximately 40,000 tonnes capacity3)
  • The four (4) storage tanks at the Supsa terminal have a total capacity of 160,000 cubic meters4)
  • crude is further shipped via tankers through the Bosphorus Straits to global markets5)
  • BP is Azerbaijan's main oil producer6)

In the news

Ukraine war forces closure of Azerbaijani oil export pipeline BP, which operates the pipeline to Georgia's Black Sea coast, says the shutdown is temporary and that in the meantime all oil exports are being rerouted through Turkey. Azerbaijan's main oil producer, BP, has shut down the oil pipeline it operates to Georgia's Black Sea coast for the month of June due to concerns over the safety of oil tankers in the Black Sea.7)

0_public/logistics_and_infrastructure/ports/supsa_terminal.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/20 11:51 by pointnm