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CFTC Reports


Im Commitment of Traders (CoT)-Report legen die großen Produzenten und Händler von Indizes, Rohstoffen und Devisen ihre Positionierung am Terminmarkt offen. Es handelt sich um das sogenannte “Hard-Sentiment.”1)

Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) publishes the Commitments of Traders (COT) reports and provides a breakdown of open interest for futures and options markets. It categorizes the reportable open interest positions into four classifications:

  • Producer/Merchant/Processor/User: An entity that predominantly engages in the production, processing, packing, or handling of a physical commodity and uses the futures markets to manage or hedge risks associated with those activities.
  • Swap Dealers: An entity that deals in swaps for a commodity and uses the futures markets to manage or hedge the risk associated with those swap transactions.
  • Managed Money: Commodity Trading Advisor (CTA) or Commodity Pool Operator (CPO). They are engaged in organized futures trading on behalf of clients.
  • Other Reportable: Every other reportable trader that is not placed above.

0_public/reports/cftc_reports.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/09 21:08 by pointnm